
In the following table, APG publishes data according intraday allocations for the Austrian border.

The capacity for the border AT-CH is allocated trough ICS (explicit allocations). According to the Commission Regulation (EU) No 543/2013 the offered capacity is published. The data for the requested capacity and allocated capacity of the same regulation are published on the ENTSO-E Transparaency Platform.  

The data is published day ahead at 22:00 and is afterwards every 15 minutes updated with the actual values.

Border Austria <-> Czech Republic, Austria <-> Germany, Austria <-> Hungary, Austria <-> Slovenia and Austria <-> Italy

Intraday capacities at the borders AT-CZ, AT-DE, AT-HU, AT-IT and AT-SI are allocated through Single Intraday Coupling, formerly known as the XBID-system and as parts of 3 intraday auctions (IDAs) (implicit allocations). According to the Commission Regulation (EU) No 543/2013 the following data is published:

  • offered capacity

  • intraday net position (the sum of all schedules according to implicit intraday allocations)

  • congestion income

To be compliant with the requirements of the transparency regulation (EU) No 543/2013 APG needs to publish intraday capacities at 14:00 day ahead (1 hour ahead of intraday cross zonal gate opening time). At that time of the day, Core TSOs have not yet performed their Intraday capacity calculation processes based on the day-ahead market results. Therefore no intraday cross zonal capacity can be made available at 14:00 day ahead.

Accordingly, the intraday capacities are available for intraday trading from 14:45 D-1 at the latest and are allocated after IDA 1 at 15:00 as part of continuous trading or the other IDAs.

Further information regarding intraday allocations can be found here.